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mittens vs gloves

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The following email received over the weekend is as good an explanation of why you want to wear mittens when it is cold.

Thank you, Kolby.

“Hello again Jerry, my wife and I have been using our mittens for snowboarding and absolutely love them, we have normal ski gloves from cheap $15 to $150+! All of which have fleece lining… it is such a joke! While boarding we constantly are taking our gloves on and off for an array of things and every time, we do so with the fleece lined gloves the more wet they become then the fingers and/or thumbs get pulled out and are a pain to get back on! Not to mention once wet they freeze and are worthless!

With your nylon lined mittens, I can wear them alone or with a liner glove, they always come on and off easy! They are always toasty warm even when wet!

The last time we went our kids’ hands were getting wet and cold, luckily, we took plenty of extra gloves and they just rotated them but it was still a pain. I know they would have had more fun if they weren’t constantly having cold hand and changing gloves!

So long story short I would like to order some Kodiak mittens but in smaller sizes then offered on your website! Would you be open to making some youth sized gloves”?

Kolby A.

I wrote to Kolby telling him I would not be making youth sizes.

Kolby’s email is the first I have received so detailed about how well the Lamilite mittens perform and why the gloves made for cold weather do not.

I have been promoting the use of mitten long before I started manufacturing them. I supplied all of the insulation [Lamilite] to a manufacturer in Tennessee in the early seventies who supplied the mittens to Alyeska Pipeline Company who built the oil pipeline across Alaska. I also supplied the Grandoe Glove Co. who made a ski mitten called a “boxing glove” because that was what it was styled after, it was a mitten. I had a pair that issued for 30 years or longer and today a friends daughter uses them when she skies.

Grandoe made thousands of pairs because the sent rail cars of fiber to me to laminate. They couldn’t find any other laminator capable of laminating their materials but me. all of the other laminating companies knew nothing about fiberfill and their machinery wasn’t capable of doing the work.

So, if you are wondering why I so aggressively promote mitten to wear when it is cold reread Kolby’s email to me.

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