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independent thought

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The following sentence is reprinted from the bean web site.

I wrote the following in their search box; “do you sell non-fire retardant tents?”

The answer I received is what follows;

“Sorry, we couldn't find "non-fire retardant tents’’.

This statement confirms to me what I thought after I had my conversation with their customer service representative. These people at companies like bean and rei will tell you what you want to hear which quite often a lie is. Sometimes the customer service representative really does not know the answer and will research with a supposed “expert” and will tell you what they are told as I was. Sometimes they will conjure up an answer wanting to appear knowledgeable.

The corporate “leaders” are so afraid of their own shadow that they have no concept of what it means to be honest with people who willingly want to spend money with the company. Their shadow being the investors.

I also asked if they sell tents made from polyester fabric. The following is the computer driven answer; “Sorry, we couldn't find "do you have tents made from polyester fabric". Contrary to what the representative told me they do; however they do not.

A significant number of companies that earn their living by selling products to the general public are fast to point out they are trying to leave less of a carbon foot print and they contribute to all forms of activities but they are categorically not interested in serving the people who actually spend money on their products.

These companies do not care how many different chemicals they will knowingly put on fabrics that in my opinion and belief will have a negative effect on the person wearing the garment or attempting to sleep in a tent.

This week I have been reading about methods to eliminate body odor except these companies that are claiming they have such and such chemical do not know that body odor comes from the dirt on the body not from the body itself. Why do they not know this; that is because they have not taken the time to learn why one has body odor? The information is out there readily available on the internet the home for ALL information. These people in their youth never opened a book so what makes you think they will hit a search engine on their computer, nothing.

If you think of bean as an example of how things take place in the retail market place you can just multiply it by the number of retail stores out there. Of course the larger the retail store chain is the more they function as the bean employee’s function. The same holds true for the civil servants as I pointed out in my previous article.

Will thigs change back to the way people got service in years past no because these large companies are run by people who have no knowledge of the products they sell nor do they want to have that knowledge. That would be an enormous burden to put on them and they would run from it without hesitation. You have to understand these people are not independent men of the mind; they function in collectives. There is no such thing as a collective mind, but they do not know or understand that this concept cannot exist. They do everything by committee.

If you really want to know about something do as I do go into a search engine and the volume of information can overwhelm you.

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