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moisture management?

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The government is requesting information about moisture management technologies that could be integrated into textiles for the purpose of providing environmental protection, improved wicking performance, or faster draining over textiles currently being utilized for individual Soldier uniforms and equipment.

This sources sought notice is going to receive a significant number of responses that will include I suspect primarily companies that have chemical treatments and companies that have a fiber or some natural additive attached to the yarn that will supposedly solve the problem.

I wrote to the primary point of contact about the fishnets and how they will solve the problem, so I’ll see what type of response I receive.

From what I have learned and have presented to my readers is the simple fact of life that one cannot manage body produced moisture as such. One must offer a method for the moisture to have easy access to escape the body after it has done its job. Its job is to cool the body! After it has done that you want it to leave so you avoid being clammy.

From all that I have recently learned the most efficient way to move moisture away from the skin surface is to number one wear fishnet underwear, number two wear loose fitting clothing and number 3 have adequate clothing on for the climatic conditions that will cause the moisture to change from a liquid to a vapor which will move further away from you.

I guess you can call this “moisture management”!

As I have written in the past none of the chemicals or additive will do anything at all with respect to moisture or anything else they have told to us the chemical will do.


A few weeks ago I called rei and asked if they had definitive proof that goretex or their brand of waterproof breathable works. Yesterday I called ll bean and asked the same question. In each instance I asked for a technical person that knew about waterproof breathable? In both conversations I was told that each company did not have any written proof to support the claim; BUT if I bought a garment and did not think it worked within one year of purchase and proof of purchase I could return it for a store credit not a dollars and cents refund.

I did not tell them who I am just a potential customer, but I did recommend that they read commentary on the Wiggy’s web site. It is possible these technical people will be intrigued enough to even look at the videos and may say that is the guy who I spoke with when they hear my voice.

The reality is that documentation demonstrating these characteristics when it comes to humans does not exist.

Imagine if lots of people who go into retail stores or call retailers that are mail order companies all asking for proof positive about goretex ability to do what bobby gore says his product does? As Arlo Guthrie says in one of his songs “it could start a movement”! 

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