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Dear Wiggy,

A true story about my 13-year-old grandson, Grant.

He recently was invited to go “tent camping “ with two friends. They didn’t have a tent and knew I had given Grant a nice Browning tent for his birthday. I have also given my son and both grandkids Wiggys sleeping bags.

That night it rained here in Kentucky really hard. When asked if they got wet, Grant said, “not the tent stayed dry inside.” When asked if he got cold in his Wiggys sleeping bag, he responded, “of course not, it’s a Wiggys.”

I gave him one of your sweaters for Christmas and he wears it all the time.

That makes 8 Wiggys sleeping bags and 8 Wiggys sweaters for my family.

Your products even impress 13-year-old kids.

Keep up the good work.

Ruth Connor


This story reminded me of what I told an attorney who was deposing me. He was pursuing me with questions about who my customers were and concentrating on the military. The lawsuit had to do with a fiasco of sleeping bags or should I say no sleep sleeping bags.

Anyway, I gave him two answers; one I told him my customers were people and I had yet to sell one bag to a bear, still haven’t and the second answer was that I wanted to sell a grandmother my sleeping bags who wanted to get one for her grandson.

This story from Ruth is the first one from a grandmother who has bought bags for her grandchildren.

Actually, in the deposition I said “grandmother” and I know over the years I have sold grandmothers. I never did address the questioning about the military, I just referred to them as people which all military personnel are.

I have over the years sold many of my sleeping bags to military personnel all over the country and now I am getting orders from troops in Alaska who are deployed in the high arctic. The issue no sleep sleeping bags just don’t make it when temperatures are -40 F and lower but the Wiggy’s Antarctic [-60F] do.

So, if these young boys enlist when they are old enough, they will have plenty of experience with Wiggy’s and will know to ask for Wiggy’s bags.

What comes to mind is that Wiggy’s is now in its 36th year so there are numerous former youngsters who are still using their Wiggy’s bags, I do get calls from many of them who are now buying a bag or bags for their children. There are many old timers like me who are passing down their bag. It just shows the longevity of Wiggy’s bags.

Wiggy’s was incorporated in April 1988 in Colorado and started manufacturing in September 1988, so it is 36 years, but I actually started selling Wiggy bags in 1986 while still in S.C. I periodically hear from a customer from that time period so I know how long the bags can last if cared for.

It is very gratifying to know how long my products will last and that is a testament to the quality of the materials specifically the continuous filament fiber insulation [Lamilite/Climashield] nothing is even close. And finally it is a testament to all of the sewing operators that Kok has trained over the years to make the quality product we have been making since September 1988.

Wiggy's Signature

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Check out all our products from sleeping bags & shelters to footwear & clothing. Our uniquely developed continuous filament fiber called Lamilite insulation is what sets Wiggy brand insulated products apart. What is Lamilite and why does it perform better than all other forms of insulation? Click here to keep reading & find out more »

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