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the dishonesty of some businessman

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But First a new testimonial.Jerry,

I've been reading the success stories you've been sending out but I don't see enough about the parkas. Since moving to northern Illinois I tried all of the standard brands people wear, mostly Columbia and their Omni heat system. It never really worked for me. So for this winter I bought your barren grounds parka. It is the warmest and most comfortable coat I have ever worn. I've had folks laugh at me for buying what they see as an off brand with a funny name. Then they see me walking around in negative digits with no discomfort at all. I think some have regrets now about the marketing that they fell for. Hey, but at least their coat looks nice on them as they freeze their ass off!

I thought it might be good for you to offer emergency blankets that people could keep in their car or home without having to buy a whole bag. Maybe an L6 and L12 offering. I know you have a blanket but I'm thinking something more rugged and affordable for an emergency item. A Lamilite beanie would be nice too!

I suggested the TV blanket; if I am an off brand I do not want to become an on brand. I also said I would use his testimonial since it dealt with a parka.


- Blake

"A businessman cannot force you to buy his product; if he makes a mistake, he suffers the consequences; if he fails, he takes the loss. A bureaucrat forces you to obey his decisions, whether you agree with him or not ... If he makes a mistake you suffer the consequences; if he fails, he passes the loss on to you, in the form of heavier taxes”.–Ayn Rand

I believe in the textile industry there are many companies that must have such significant profits from what they offer to consumers they do not care if the consumer finds that the product does not function as is advertised. The tax the consumer pays is when they purchase what is represented as the new and improved product! From what I have seen over the years is the same non-functioning product just packaged differently to accommodate what the customer supposedly is asking for!

Here is how the process works; a company that makes the raw material goes to a marketing company and tells them all about their product and if used for this type of clothing product the garment will function in a certain way that is beneficial to the consumer involved in a specific activity. As an inducement they tell them all of the ways that the raw material will be presented in an advertising campaign that will also include hangtags for each garment made.

The marketing company is always eager to have a supplier help them sell the product. The marketing company goes to their Asian contractor and dictates what materials to buy and what styles to make.

The marketing company now goes to their largest customers and tells them all about this new material and the garments they are going to make. These large chain stores are eager to have these new garments on their racks. Eventually these garments are shown to smaller and smaller retailers who do not want to miss out on the program.

The marketing companies determine how many garments are going to be made and delivered to the chain stores. The stores job is to provide the space. Now we get to the way the stores pay for the merchandise; maybe a 20% discount if paid in 15 days and the discount is reduced the longer it takes to pay the invoice. Eventually the smaller stores pay full price but they may have 6 months dating. When you see the discounted prices before the season starts it is because the legitimate markup exists before the 20 percent discount off the retail price.

Now you have this warm feeling of having bought the garment at a discount versus what your local mom and pop store could possibly sell it for. Then you discover the garment doesn’t function as advertised and you either don’t bother going back to chain store or you get a run round and leave dissatisfied.

This feedback gets back to the marketing company who goes back to the original raw material supplier who already has a new and improved version of the product with a new advertising campaign once again extoling the performance of the product. Unfortunately people like to be deceived because they can’t believe these major marketing companies would not put a non-functioning product on the market. Oh yes they will and do!

This week I received a copy of Textile World an industry publication. On the last page of each issue is a highlight article “Quality Fabric of the Month”. The title of this article is “Keeping Dry in Performance Cotton”. The sub headlines are as follows:” Nanotex and Cotton Incorporated have teamed to launch Nanotex DRY INSIDE moisture-management technology for cotton knit apparel”.

Who is Nanotex (?) a company that makes water repellency, odor neutralizing, coolest comfort chemicals and now the dry inside chemical? At least a dozen companies produce water repellency’s including Gore since what they offer doesn’t function as they advertise. A number of company’s make the same claim about producing odor neutralizing chemicals which as far as I know none actually performs and I believe since the chemicals used for this purpose are insecticides, very dangerous. The coolest comfort chemical somehow balances body temperature because it wicks moisture. Incredible statement that is as erroneous as almost anything they make until now. This last product the dry inside chemical does the following and I quote; “Nanotex introduces a revolutionary new approach to moisture management. Traditional approaches only move moisture throughout the fabric, leaving the wearer feeling wet and cold. Now customers will more fully enjoy their exercise or athletic workouts because garments with dry inside; wick moisture away from skin, won’t feel damp, won’t chafe skin like wet fabrics, will dry quickly and the fabric retains its natural softness”.

Quite remarkable to read and actually hear from the vice president of sales. I called to find out about the chemical and in our conversation he could not tell me actually how all of this works, but was going to send me more detailed information. I am still waiting. However, he did tell me they have yet to make any garments with this chemical applied to cotton fabric. No garments means no person has had the opportunity to see how it performs, but if you go to their web site you will see how they test what appears to be squares of fabric about 5 inches.

I then spoke with the representative of Cotton Inc. the organization that promotes the use of cotton fabrics. He was as engaging as the Nanotex fellow, but just as ignorant of what they are promoting. There already exists a hangtag with both companies on it. This fellow confirmed that they have yet to make a sample garment for someone to use. Since Cotton Inc. is located in Raleigh, N.C. I suggested he make garments for the basketball team at N.C.S. with the Nanotex and no Nanotex and see if there is a difference. Don’t hold your breath because they also told me they were working with Under Armor who was going to have product in their line in 2017.

Imagine marketing a clothing item for special use and having no knowledge if it would do what you would like it do based upon laboratory testing.How many people buying into this workout shirt as others have other brands that do not do as the other companies have claimed will bring them back to the store; probably none because the store will not take them back since they were used. Then these same people will be waiting for the next newest product making the same claim. Do you see the similarity to bureaucrats?

My opinion is that it is true about numerous businessmen that I have come in contact with in the outdoor industry. Why do you think they will never entertain returning to the USA for production; they would not be able to make the same significant profits and of course they have no interest in taking responsibility for the poor performance of the products they stock the large retailers with! Also remember that the retailers will never question if the stuff works or not.

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