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the older erple still know best

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Send this to “KIM”.

I am 80 years old. I grew up on a Homestead at 7,000 feet in Southwest Wyoming. We had no indoor water or plumbing, no electricity, or other modern conveniences. We had an outdoor privy and a wood/coal stove. We worked the fields with horse-power: Horses. My clothes came from second hand stores, whereat we could find discarded wool clothes at a price we could afford.

I went to college, obtained advanced degrees which allowed me to escape from second hand stores. I had some money, and continued to pursue my outdoor origins. I determined to have the best outdoor gear. Eiderdown (now down) was the rage of the age. I soon learned that if you were not a goose or a duck, wet feathers would kill you (I still have a 40 year old Eddie Bauer, Kora Koram, Whittaker, Everest Parka in my closet which I wear once or twice a year in low humidity, sub zero weather for several hours blowing snow).

I went through all the synthetics, and polyesters. Thermax, Thinsulate, Quallofil, etc. Some were good underwear, but outerwear was unsatisfactory. I learned that if a coated fabric, like Gore-Tex, kept water out, it also kept water in; and I would be wet, either way. I figured it is better to be wet and warm, than wet and cold. None of these products are my go to gear.

I learned that continuous filament Polarguard and Polarguard 3 D were better than Down, but these fibers would soon stretch and separate leaving cold spots, requiring a bag or product replacement. Wiggy improved these products by his lamination process.

Wiggy talks about these things, above set forth; and he, in his own way, is the only one who makes sense. Furthermore, he is the only Company not peddling BS. If he tells you his sleeping bag is rated at 20 below, it actually performs more like 30 or 40 below. I know because I have slept in both a Wiggy’s minus 10 and a Northface Polarguard 3D minus forty bag; and the Wiggy’s was warmer and better. I also use wear his outer-wear which performs the way he claims.

It might not be designer, but Wiggy’s is the best; and as a Veteran, I say, who cares about design, rather than design? Answer: Only fools.


Best wishes

JDT is referring to kim of the government purchasing office.

I find it interesting knowing there are a huge number of men who are old timers who have become Wiggy’s customers having gone through so much of the crap that has come on the market in the last 30 years.

I am very grateful for their being customers and also writers so I have had their comments as testimonials.

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