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why american companies have a poor reputation with consumers

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About the Muck Boot Co.It all started with a universal problem – muck. Wet, messy, muddy, dirty muck. We were determined to find a solution for keeping our feet warm and dry through it all. We began, out of necessity, to build premium, protective, reliable boots that offer exceptional comfort in every element. That’s how The Original Muck Boot Company was born, providing 100% waterproof boots and footwear that withstand the muckiest situations in every season. muckbootcompany.com.

I’ll comment on the above shortly.

This morning I read an article in the sporting goods business email I get daily about the muck company. So I went to their web site to get a phone number so I could introduce my product Lamilite to them as a beneficial component for them to use in their boots. The only number available was for customer service. When I called and asked they would not give me a corporate number nor would they tell me where corporation was located. I went back to the web site to find out where they are located and there is no location listed. I went to a search engine and again could not surface any location.I told the woman I was speaking with it was strange because the company has a president, a sales manager and an accounting department and they must have a corporate phone number (s) but alas none are available from the internet as well.

I told her the following story of the fellow Stonnie Dennis made a video in 2016 that is on his u-tube channel detailing how his feet stayed warm and dry in his muck boots for the first time as a result of wearing Lamilite socks. He had worn them for a month and learned that they stayed dry, did not retain odor or stretched out of shape. [To see it I went to my YouTube channel and typed in “YOUTUBE VIDEO ABOUT LAMILITE SOCKS” and watched it for the first time in a year and was impressed with his testimonial about them. The video is now on my web site on the page with the Lamilite socks. Until his video I was ignorant of muck boots. If Stonnies testimonial doesn’t convince someone who wears muck boots or any other brand of waterproof boot to buy Lamilite socks nothing will. I thanked Stonnie before and I thank him again now.] While we were conversing she went to the Wiggy web site. I directed her to the socks and the boots and told her the boots I sell are the best boot ever made because they had Lamilite in them and no goretex. I told her in no uncertain terms that my product could make muck boots better than they are now. I thanked her for her time after giving her my contact information and she said she would pass it on to corporate if it existed or throw it away, that decision was hers.

In the meantime I believe the following statement is erroneous. I quote; “We were determined to find a solution for keeping our feet warm and dry through it all. We began, out of necessity, to build premium, protective, reliable boots that offer exceptional comfort in every element”. As has been evidenced by the Stonnie who made the u-tube video their boots do not keep the wearers feet warm and dry and therefore exceptional comfort in every element does not exist. They do keep the mud and water outside of the boots only.

It is irrelevant to me if the muck company calls me to look into buying Lamilite or not they will cause more and more people to buy Lamilite socks as is happening with people who buy the same type of boots from ll bean are doing as well as the many boot owners who have goretex lined boots; so thank you bobby gore and ll bean.

After this encounter with the muck employee I decided to offer my Lamilite socks in each size 8 inch and 13 inch at a 10 percent discount effective immediately.

I know for fact that it is not remarkable to NOT be able to contact the corporate headquarters of probably thousands of companies in the U.S.A. because corporate does not want to deal with complaints. So all you can do if you are persistent is send an email to the company and wait for someone in the lackey section of the company to respond with an answer they have been given by someone above them who is in the creative writing section of the company. You of course have been placated and whatever your reason for trying to speak with someone will never happen. Of course the reality is there is/are no employees of said companies that have any knowledge of whatever the product is that you are now dissatisfied with.

One reader told me the reason rei sat on the fire retardant chemical information since 2016 is because they were playing the odds about any liability law suits in his opinion. It maybe that all of these large organizations think the same way, which is “nobody is going to sue us so we just avoid any active response”.


AYN RAND discussed it in 1969!
Global warming is 50 years old.

CATEGORY: Environmentalism

In "The Anti-Industrial Revolution," a Ford Hall Forum talk and then an article in The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution (now named Return of the Primitive) she quotes a Newsweek article from January 26, 1970:

"Predictions of universal doom are interspersed with complaints of this kind. And nowhere, neither in this survey nor elsewhere, does one find any scientific evidence--no, not to prove, but even to support a valid hypothesis of global danger. But one does find the following.

"... some scientists," the survey declares, "like to play with the notion that global disaster may result if environmental pollution continues unchecked. According to one scenario, the planet is already well advanced toward a phenomenon called 'the greenhouse effect.' Concentrations of carbon dioxide are building up in the atmosphere, it is said, as the world's vegetation, which feeds on carbon dioxide, is progressively chopped down. Hanging in the atmosphere, it forms a barrier trapping the planet's heat. As a result, the greenhouse theorists contend, the world is threatened with a rise in average temperature which, if it reached 4 or 5 degrees, could melt the polar ice caps, raise sea level by as much as 300 feet and cause a worldwide flood. ..."

This is what bears the name of "science" today. It is on the basis of this kind of stuff that you are being pushed into a new Dark Age".

What I have been observing in the time I have been in the textile industry is a simple fact of life those who had responsibility chose not to get an education in and about fabrics to include insulations. What I have done required understanding the science of the materials and the function of insulations. Those who I showed it too rejected it flat out and in mass. So today I reign supreme as the producer of the finest most efficient sleeping bags and cold weather clothing in the world.

ALL of the boot manufacturers are birds of a feather who reject the reality that a goretex material stated to be waterproof and breathable does not nor can it exist except if you think in terms of junk science. They the boot makers as well as those who make rain garments are my proof that they are living in the dark ages of science.

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