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winter is coming know how to dress

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We all know or should know that the human body is about 75 percent water. That said you would think that water is good for us humans, however it is and is a double edge sword. If we do not take in adequate water each day we have problems like cramps in our legs or if we dehydrate we lose strength and ultimately our life.so we need water in our body to stay healthy. However, we also eliminate water via urination and through pores i.e. sweat. How we handle allowing the sweat to get away from us i.e. our skin surface and if we do not allow it to move away from our skin surface it does become our enemy. As for urination, if we are cold the body will cause initially our extremity’s to constrict which means our blood pressure increases since the blood is traveling through less vessels i.e. veins so the kidneys start to extract water from our blood to reduce the pressure. Ultimately this action can lead to dehydration. Hence the double edge sword that water is.

The companies that populate the selling of clothing and sleeping bags that are offered for sale to people who camp whether it is hunters or people who just want to commune with nature are presented with a host of products that somehow make your life easier while out in the field with respect to dealing with water. The companies that sell these products are well aware of the unpleasantness (I say danger) of being wet. Much of the erroneous information that they spout is quite often propagated by writers for magazines that are read by people who venture out into the field.

I read an article that appeared in the August 2017 American Hunter that offered information on what to wear and the writer was very clear with the following statement; “wet cotton kills”. Well it doesn’t today. Maybe 100 years ago if you were wearing cotton long underwear or even wool long underwear it is very possible that your body’s perspiration being trapped in the fabric would eventually be a major reason to cause death, but I do not think it was prevalent. Yes if you are wearing a first layer of cotton, wool, silk or rayon long underwear they will absorb the perspiration and that of course is not good if you are going to be out for a week or so. By the same token wearing any synthetic long underwear that is closely knitted while not actually absorbing the perspiration it does trap it next to your skin surface so you get the same chill as with the natural fiber garments.

Companies that offer long underwear made from synthetics love to tell you their product promotes movement of your perspiration via wicking or some other method, erroneous statements, the moisture stays right there next to your skin and you get a chill. Ideally what you need to wear is a first layer that does not absorb nor stifle the movement of the moisture while it’s a vapor. Yes, the answer is fishnet long underwear. You will also note while wearing fishnets your body heat stays next to you.

His sleeping bag suggestion is a 15 degree bag that has a weight of between 1.5 and 3 pounds. This recommendation is for use in the Rocky Mountains which means elevation. First of all there are no sleeping bags in that weight range that are capable of keeping one warm at this temperature. While he does not say it he probably is referring to a down bag. The closest bag for that temperature is my Ultra- Light and it weighs in at 3 ¼ pounds to 4 ¼ pounds depending on size.

He does mention wearing a Gore-Tex bootie in your boots because as he says; “should keep your tootsies dry”. He must never have tried this since we know that the Gore-Tex traps moisture in everything made with it. Gore has a new slogan; “Don’t Think About Weather Protection. Don’t Think About Gore-Tex”. I have seen this slogan in several industry publications and have yet to actually comprehend its meaning. Although I believe they are saying that you should not think Gore-Tex when you want protection from the weather, which is good since Gore-Tex does not protect you from the weather. The only true statement I have heard from them in 40 years about their product.

At the outdoor retailer trade show each and every year there is more and more talk about how to stay dry and unfortunately these companies do not come up with anything new that can combat human produced moisture even though they make claims to that effect.

They have recognized for years that down is a sponge so they think that water repellent treating the down will make a difference, it doesn’t.

The hunting season is fast approaching so I get calls constantly from people placing orders and asking for advice. Most often the asker accepts what I share with him. However sometimes I get negative reaction. A guy called from Arkansas and told me he was heading to the Kenia Peninsular for a goat hunt in November. I recommended my fishnets, Lamilite socks, and my Super-Light FTRSS. Since he was out in the field a lot I told him the two bag system would give him plenty of flexibility versus the Ultima-Thule. He then told me his wife was going to be with him and I said she will appreciate using the complete system even if the temperature was 10 degrees. He did say he had a bag he used in August of last year up there. I told him there is a significant temperature change in Alaska from August to November.

My system is 8 pounds and after placing the order for two that could be mated, he called back because his guide said to heavy. That is because as I found out the guide carries the equipment. I terminated the entire order. If his wife still goes and he puts her in the trash bag he is also using she may not talk to him for the flight back to Arkansas if she even gets on the same plane.

What you should be looking for are clothing items that are completely unaffected by moisture from you or the atmosphere. I can tell you right now you will not be fashionable; why; because you will be wearing Wiggy under garments.

First layer fishnets

Second layer ducks back wind shirt which is actually good looking or line vest with a liner jacket over it.

So far you have on layers that will not stifle moisture movement or you are managing to not retain moisture. Would that be moisture management, maybe?

Now depending upon the ambient air temperature, plus minus 20 and higher you are fine. Going colder get the new L-8 Urban DUCKSBACK parka for -30 F. Want to go colder the Antarctic parka.

On your legs, fishnets!

Jeans over them and then the leg jackets! My experience was about -30 F when I was lost.

Now for your feet, Lamilite socks, ideally Lamilite boots and finally the over boots. Again definitely -30 F. also note with the Lamilite socks all you need for a month is one pair.

Because more and more of the contestants on the “Alone” program seem to be using Wiggy bags I have paid a little more attention to it. Biggest complaint is being wet and cold. Well they are in a wet cold region of the world. If they were to wear what I just listed they would not be cold, wet probably but cold no.

We live on a wet planet and water is the sustainer of life as well as the taker. You can be fashionable and uncomfortable or comfortable wearing Wiggy’s clothing.

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