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I received the following letter today.

Interesting I was wearing a lands end heavy coat this morning 40 F, after coming out of Hobby lobby the perspiration had me damp and uncomfortable.

Later I returned some items and had put on the fish net top under the same coat, it was dark, and what a difference, I was now totally comfortable, no clammy wetness against my skin and this newer version was not scratchy either. It fits very loosely and you would think that would not keep you warm. Not so, venting out the moisture really makes a difference.

Fishnets work.

Mike L.

Mike is a long-time customer and has over the years (I think he started buying when I was in Colombia) has done a lot of testing of the various products he has purchased from me. I think his explanation of doing something that never occurred to me is very telling about how well the fishnets work.

I have never though to wear a garment with the out the fishnets and then on the same day wear it with. So, kudos for Mike in doing this and sharing the results with us.


I have written extensively about water as it pertains to the human body. When it comes to content the human body is made up of an average of 60 percent water. Water is very important to the proper functioning of the human body. As far as I am concerned its main function is to control body heat. This action is occurring all of the time.

During the warm months of the year if you are very active such as playing basketball, volley ball, running, bicycling or any number of physical activities you sweat and as body generated moisture coats your body, it is to draw heat from your body so your internal organs can have a steady temperature. The amount of clothing you wear during the warmer months is minimal. So the water has ample time to move away from your skin surface via evaporation.

As the temperature drops (gets lower) the human body continues to emit moisture regardless how active you are, only as the temperature gets lower you are wearing more layers of clothing. The more layers of clothing the more difficult it is for the water to move away from you; it is just that simple. Unless you do as Mike has done wear a fishnet top as in this case.

The point is in order for the human body to function properly it must emit moisture and in cold conditions if that moisture is not allowed to move away from the body it becomes the enemy of the body. This is the reason why fishnets under loose fitting clothing is so important. It is certainly in your best interest to eliminate the threat posed by close fitting clothing that will not allow the moisture from your own body to move away from you. No matter what you do you just can't get away from water.

I believe there are millions of people just in the USA who have for years bought garments on the false premise that the close fitting base layers are going to keep you warm because the fabric these garments are made from will wick away the moisture and if you believe that then you also believe the goretex film laminated to fabric breaths and is waterproof all at the same time.

In both cases the marketing companies who sell these base layers and the marketing companies that sell the breathing waterproof jackets made with goretex have so much invested in the concept even though both are bogus that they have to keep up the lie.

Something I haven’t given thought to until today as I was writing the article.

I believe that if you went into that $15,000,000,00 laboratory that gore opened and aske them to prove to you that their ptfe film laminated to any fabric would allow moisture through it while in a vapor state when worn as a jacket they could not do it. If they could why haven’t they presented this fact in a demonstration all over the world so all could see for themselves how this “miracle” combination of materials actually does what they have claimed for 50 years.

The same holds true for all of the companies that sell base layer clothing. If they were to get on a stationary bike and started peddling in your presence you would note that they do not exhibit any wicking of the garment they are wearing. Of course if you were to ask them to explain what wicking action is, they couldn’t.

These marketing companies as I have previously stated simply do not care if the garment performs as advertised. 

Wiggy's Signature

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